IHE National Deployment Committees have been established to conduct testing, education outreach and collaboration with local health agencies.
IHE National Deployment Committees have been established in 17 countries across the globe. They are sanctioned by IHE International to conduct testing, education, outreach, collaboration with local health agencies and other deployment-related activities. The links at left provide access to information about these organisations and their activities.
Many IHE National Deployment Committees coordinate their activities through regional groupings, as shown at the left. All National Deployment Committees also participate in the IHE Global Deployment Coordination Committee (GDC). This Committee meets regularly to coordinate planning of major IHE activities and to share resources and best practices. IHE National/Regional Deployment Reports can be found here.
An online application to establish a new IHE National Deployment Committee is available here. Organisations that wish to establish and sponsor IHE National Deployment Committees should contact secretary@ihe.net for information about organising and planning your application.
In April 2013, IHE International held the first World Summit, hosted by IHE-Turkey in coordination with the IHE-Europe Connectathon in Istanbul. The second IHE World Summit was held in conjunction with the eHealth week in June 2016, Amsterdam. These gatherings brought together leaders of IHE National Deployment Committees and other stakeholder organisations from 21 countries worldwide.