Opening "gates" to shape eHealth interoperability for cross-border exchange of patient information.
Role of IHE-Europe:
- Coordination of the industry team including voluntary companies that contributed to the epSOS services specifications. IHE-Europe plays a unique role as epSOS representative of 31 industrial partners.
- Testing strategy, development of the epSOS test bed and testing the evaluation of the epSOS infrastructure of each participating nation. IHE-Europe supports epSOS in organising a “Connectathon for this Project”, i.e. epSOS “Projectathon”, that was first held in November, 2010 in Bratislava and is a parallel event during the IHE-European Connectathons.
epSOS focuses on exchanging medical data between European countries for citizens abroad in a secure environment. epSOS specifies and develops an infrastructure based on eHealth services that were tested in practise during a pilot scheme. 22 European countries were actively participating to set up a cross-border infrastructure. The services within scope are:
- Patient summary allowing the access of medical data from the patient’s home country when receiving treatment abroad.
- ePrescription and eDispensation services.
Status: finished in June 2014
Project reference: